B.A. – Psychology & Counselling

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Counselling

 This major is designed for individuals who are involved in Christian ministry including Pastors and Lay workers as well as for those who will be working in situations of rehabilitation and recovery.  It is intended to equip participants with basic knowledge and skills to successfully undertake graduate study in the area of counselling and/or related specializations.  It aims to assist students in their development of expertise in the traditional domains of Psychology and Counselling that can be applied, or practiced, within the church and in the wider community. 

Programme Construction ( 129 Credits- 43 courses)

The entire programme consists of 129 credits or 43 courses which each carry a 3-credit weight. The institutional core carries 36 credits, the major carries 45 credits and elective courses carry 48 credits.

Institutional Core - 36 credits

Old Testament Survey I

Old Testament Survey II

Old Testament Survey III 

New Testament Survey I 

New Testament Survey II

New Testament Survey III 

Theology I

Theology II

Theology III

Spiritual Formation 

Pentecostal History & Distinctives

Growing a Great Commission Church

Emphasis Core - 45 credits

Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Counselling

Developmental Psychology

Abnormal Psychology

Research Methods I

Counselling Ethics

Pastoral Counselling

Social Psychology

Personality Theory

Basic Counselling Skills

Introduction to Communications

Ministry to Children

Ministry to Youth

Ministry to Families

Psychology & Counselling Year 1 Internship (40 hrs)

Electives - 48 credits

Advanced Counselling Skills

Research Methods II

Trauma Intervention Strategies

Introduction to Assessment and Diagnosis

Educational Psychology

Addictive Disorders

Group Dynamics and Counselling

Career Counselling

Cultural Anthropology

Introduction to Sociology

Conflict Management

Ministry to Adults

Marriage & Family Counselling

Counselling Children & Adolescents

Organizational Psychology

Psychology & Counselling, Year II Internship (60 hrs)

Admission Requirements

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: One of the following:
A minimum of five (5) CXC/GCE Ordinary Level passes [General I, II, or III (after June 1998) or grades A, B, or C], which must include English Language. OR
Satisfactory completion of WIST’s Certificate Programme. OR
MATURE ENTRY ROUTE Persons without a formal entry qualification may gain entry through the mature route known as the Bridge Programme. See details

Required Documents: Before you begin the application process, ensure you have the following document at hand!

A certified copy of your academic qualifications
A certified copy of 1 Form of National ID
A certified copy of your birth certificate
One passport size picture
Two (2) recommendations.

See Official form HERE

Price Info

Administrative Fee – TT $2,000 (Annually)
Course Registration Fee  – TT $275 x (Number of  Courses)
Tuition – TT $1,275 x (Number of  Courses)
This programme is GATE approved but students are subject to the Ministry of Education’s stipulated criteria in order to qualify for funding.
Payment plans are available.

General Studies/Electives

To complete the degree, an additional 45 credits are obtained from a list of electives, and a second internship.


Student intake occurs for both January and September semesters annually. 

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