Honour code

I PLEDGE to apply myself wholeheartedly to my intellectual pursuits and to use the full power of my mind for the glory of God.

I PLEDGE to grow in my spirit by developing my own relationship with God.

I PLEDGE to develop my body with sound health habits and exercise.

I PLEDGE to cultivate good relationships socially with others and to seek to love others as I love myself. I will not lie; I will not steal; I will not use obscene language, nor will I be disrespectful, whether on or off campus,

I PLEDGE to keep my total being under subjection from all immoral and illegal acts and habits, whether on or off campus. I will not engage in other behaviour that is contrary to the rules and regulations listed in the Student Handbook.

I PLEDGE to maintain an attitude of “openness” to God’s claims on my life, and to do my utmost to know and follow His will for my life.

I PLEDGE to attend class, all required chapel services on campus, and to attend the house of worship of my choice wherever God is honoured and lifted up.

I PLEDGE to abide by the rules and regulations that may from time to time be adopted by the WIST Administration. I will keep the Honour Code carefully and prayerfully.